Purpose of the sponsoring group
Sponsorship means making key investment decisions and providing a top-level endorsement of the rationale and objectives of a program or project. It also means continuing senior-level commitment and support for the proposed change and championing the implementation of the new capabilities being delivered. Normally associated with programs, the sponsoring group are peers of the Senior Responsible owners and key stakeholders in the proposed change. The sponsoring group can sometimes adopt the role of the program board
The sponsoring group represents the senior managers responsible for:
- making the key banking decisions
- defining the direction of the business
- establishing the environment best suited to achieving program objectives
- setting and demonstrating the behaviors necessary to support change
- providing the top-level commitment and involvement necessary to implement change
Over the life of a program, in particular, through the period of transition, there is a lot of uncertainty around, and many long-standing procedures, reporting relationships, and responsibilities may no longer apply. The sponsoring group must take the lead in establishing a style of leadership that helps the organization through the change process.
Issues that need sponsoring group involvement may include:
- communication with and motivation of staff
- promotion of a team-working ethos
- empowerment at all levels in the organization
- endorsement and encouragement of initiatives
- recognition of appropriate risk-taking
Specific responsibilities of the sponsoring group
The sponsoring group is responsible for:
- providing the program mandate and investment decision
- creating an environment in which the program can thrive
- endorsing, advising, and supporting the SRO
- providing a continued commitment to the SRO at program milestones
- approving the progress of the program against strategic objectives
- providing visible leadership and commitment to the program at communication events
- confirming successful delivery and sign-off at the closure of the program